Fun and humor can be seen everywhere, if you have the knack of seeing it. Although, a game with opponents is a pretty serious affair, your team name can portray the fighting spirit of your team members by using a bit of humor. This SportsAspire article gives you a list of 51 funny and creative kickball team name ideas.
The earliest known record of adult kickball was published in April 1922. Kick Baseball, as this game was earlier known, was the last deciding game played at a rural teachers conference. The two teams playing were named Yale and Princeton; Yale won with a score of 3 to 2.
While a game is all about rules and regulations, a team name can be picked without any set rules and norms whatsoever! It could be serious, dedicated, harsh, or funny. Well, if you think of it, the name of the game ‘kickball’ itself has a funny connotation, if you know what we mean. We wonder if the person responsible for shortening this name from the initial “Kick Baseball”, realized it.
Anyway, coming back to the focal point of discussion, a team name should be selected carefully while keeping the approval and acceptance of each and every team member in mind. This rule becomes all the more crucial when it comes to adopting “funny” team names, because what may seem humorous to some teammates, may seem offensive or cheap to others. It would also be appreciated if the team name is chosen according to the age group/mentality of the players that will be participating during the game. For example, if the teams consist of small kids aged 10 or below, names such as Scoregasmics would not be such a good idea, while adults may find it quite funny and cool. The following section consists of a list of some suggestions; however, choose with caution.
Although the term funny is subjective, differing from one group to the other, we have tried to compile a list of creative and unique names that go with the name of the game. If some names do appear to be offensive to some readers, don’t blame us, we tried to be as modest and sober as we could with the words ‘kick’ and ‘ball’.
The aforementioned suggestions seemed cool enough, didn’t they? Well, the basic thought of coming up with some unique team names is to be open to your creative instincts and not shun any idea because others may deem it to be silly. To begin with, think of anything that tickles your brain, anything at all, even if it is a plain ol’ cartoon character, or a neighbor next door. However, be cautious not to offend anyone while bringing out the humor, that’s just insensitive. True humor seldom hurts sentiments, remember that!