Karate is an ancient Japanese form of martial arts, and it is extremely popular all around the world. The basic techniques are easy to learn, and they pave the way towards the advanced techniques that one sees the professionals performing.
Karate is a form of martial arts originated from the Ryukyu islands which is now known as Okinawa, Japan. Contemporary techniques is a product derived from the ancient fighting arts of Ryukyu which uses the upper body and lower body. When a person starts learning this art, it is the individual punches, kicks, and blocks that are taught to him/her. These form the basis for becoming a master, referred as Karateka . All complicated moves and tricks are taught later.
Without the knowledge of some basic techniques, the individual cannot progress on to advanced methods. Karate is a form of martial arts that was developed in Japan, and makes use of various techniques of punching, kicking, locking, grappling, throwing, and blocking. It comes in handy as a means of self defense, but at the same time, it also enables an individual to develop better reflexes, not to mention the full body workout that it provides. Learning these basic techniques is imperative for everyone, as it lays the foundation for further developments. Also known as Kihon, these moves are not very difficult to master, and an individual can pick them up soon.
After the Kihon comes the Katas, which are advanced techniques that an experienced learner can move on to. Katas are sequences of moves that include the entire range of actions that are learned in karate. These moves include punches, blocks, kicks, movements, and body shifts. As one reaches a higher level in learning, more and more complicated Katas are taught.
Benefits of Karate
As a learning pupil of karate, exercise is an essential regimen which instills a need for regular exertion to make the body flexible and strong. The necessity of exercise in this art gifts the body, benefits of having a normal blood pressure and circulation, controlling cholesterol, and keeping at bay the need to visit a hospital. Improve your academic performance by raising your level of energy, focus, and concentration. The art serves as a strong motivator, prodding the individual practicing it to raise the bar for accomplishment. This art also serves to improve the quality of sharpening intellectual traits.
The flexibility and agility derived from the practice of physical exertion benefits mental health. The concept of this art envisages the mind with a peaceful transition. Becoming a black belt in the art of karate is an honored feat. To accomplish this goal, there are steps which every individual learning this art has to take. It essentially instills that there are no short cuts to a goal, and nudges them to deal with situations and tasks one at a time.
Karate Techniques for Beginners
The first thing that must be learned are the blocks. Blocks are designed to stop the opponent’s blows from reaching your body, and the most effective blocks achieve this purpose, and simultaneously cause damage to the opponent as well. Here are some of the most common blocks.
Close-handed Blocks
- Upper block (Jodan Uke, Age Uke)
- Middle block (Chudan Uke)
- Lower block outside (Gedan Barai)
- Lower block inside (Gedan Uchi Barai)
- Middle block inside (Chudan Ude Uke)
- Lower block inside (Gedan Ude Uke)
Open-handed Blocks
- Hooking block (Hiki Uke)
- Double-handed hooking block (Toraguchi)
- Middle side block (Chudan Shotei Yoko Uke)
- Lower scooping block (Gedan Shotei Uke)
- Double open-handed straight block (Morote Shotei Uke)
- Stopping block (Shotei Otoshi Uke)
Wrist Blocks
- Upper wrist block (Jodan Ko-Uke)
- Side block (Chudan Ko-Uke)
- Downwards block (Shotei Uke)
- Upper and lower wrist block (Ko Uke Teisho Uke)
Once you have learned these basic blocks, the instructor will move on to the basic moves of punching. Punches are the best way to strike an opponent, and these are an integral part of all techniques.
- Jab punch (Kizami Zuki)
- Uppercut (Ake Zuki)
- Middle elbow strike (Chudan Hiji Ate)
- Palm heel strike (Shotei Uchi)
The next step is about the kicks that you deliver. These techniques are mastered by kicking bags, and not thin air. By kicking a physical object the individual can learn how to aim their kicks accurately, and how to get the right amount of power behind his/her kick.
- Front kick (Mae Geri)
- Side kick (Yoko Geri)
- High roundhouse kick (Jodan Mawashi Geri)
- Middle level roundhouse kick (Chudan Mawashi Geri)
- Knee strike (Hiza Geri)
- Back kick (Ushiro Geri)
- Groin kick (Kin Geri)
- Stomping knee joint kick (Kansetsu Geri)
All these techniques will first be taught at an amateur level, and the instructor will gradually start introducing some exercises and combination moves to the training regime. Mastering these moves and techniques takes time, and people spend many years practicing them.
These techniques provide an individual with great levels of strength and stamina, and also calms him down. Like all other form of martial arts, karate is more about the state of mind. There are many health benefits that can be gained from learning it.